
North Korea’s transshipment activities with vessels of the third country in the East and West Sea are clearly illegal acts and in violation of UN Security Council sanction resolution on North Korea.

To report illegal activities

About Report Center

In December 2017, in an effort to deter North Korea from advancing its nuclear and missile technology, UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2397 to impose stronger sanctions on North Korea which prohibits North Korea’s illegal maritime trade and mandates the seizure, search, and detention of suspected vessels engaged in activities prohibited by the UN.

In July 2018, the Unites States sent a letter to the UN Security Council Sanctions Committee on North Korea, stating “North Korea illegally obtained refined oil through transshipment on a total of 89 occasions from January to May 2018.”

North Korea Intellectuals Solidarity operates this Declaration Center to provide procedural assistance to informants who have been involved in or witnessed North Korea’s various illegal transshipment activities in many places across the world’s five oceans and encourage them to inform the United States and the UN Security Council.

Those who provide reliable information will receive up to $5 million from the U.S. government under “Rewards for Justice.”

The Center is looking forward to receiving reports from many individuals and organizations of all regions in the world including China, Southeast Asia and North Korea seeking rewards for justice and world peace.

Main activities and functions

Center for declaration and reward payment
Encourage reporting illegal activities
Build database on illegal activities
Disclose related information on media
Monitor illegal activities
Analyze illegal activities

What is to be report, and who can report

The Center shall protect the identity of the informants as top priority.

What is to be report

  • Detailed evidence of transshipment between North Korean vessels and third-country vessels at sea (transshipment photos, videos, etc.)
  • Detailed evidence proving North Korea’s purchase of used vessels (photos of vessels, company names, sales contracts, etc.)
  • Any smuggling activities and illegal trade on waters between North Korea and China
  • Information on ship transactions and collaboration of companies between North Korea and third countries
  • Employment of North Korean sailors and seafood trade in third countries

Who can report

  • All individuals, groups, or organizations that have been involved in, witnessed, or informed of North Korea’s illegal transshipment activities
  • Informants from China, Russia, and Southeast Asian countries which are prone to North Korea’s illegal transshipment activities are especially welcomed
  • Preferential treatment is provided to those who have been engaged in, witnessed or informed of related businesses in North Korea or abroad.
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